Causes Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is very widespread and is the most apparent cancer in human populations. However it has a noticeably lower incidence of death because of the likelihood that it will be discovered in the early phases of the disease.
Melanoma is the worst kind of skin cancer but is less prevalent than the two other forms of this disease. In many instances of the disease, the cancer does not always spread immediately or at all.
What causes Skin Cancer?
There are quite a few established causes of skin cancer. The most widely accepted cause is over exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays or sunlight. The list below discusses some of the main causes:
o Suffering from any deficiency of the immune system, that is having a disease that subjects you to lessened immune system function,will elevate the risk for developing skin cancer. This decrease in the ability of the immune system to function may also be as a result of consuming drugs to fight an autoimmune disease or after having an organ transplant.
These drugs will be used to lower the immune system response in the case of autoimmune diseases that prompt the immune system to attack its own cells and organs,for example in people with lupus. These drugs are also used after an organ transplant to make certain that the body will not reject the newly transplanted organ.
o Being exposed to abnormally high levels of X-rays may induce the development of skin cancer.
o Using tanning booths to get an artificial tan has been broadly accepted as a probable cause of the disease.
o There are some chemicals that have been found to trigger the development of skin cancers. These will usually include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and arsenic. It is speculated that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may possibly be inhaled because of low levels of contamination in the air, consumed in foods and by making contact with any surface that is saturated with the chemical.
o Some people are said to be at a higher risk, such as lighter skinned people, people with blond or red hair and green or blue eyes. Having freckles or being prone to sun burn may also elevate a person's risk for developing this type of cancer.
o Having a genetic abnormality that does not allow the development of pigment can increase the risk for the disease. These disorders include albinism and xeroderma pigmentosum.
o If an individual has already had skin cancer the risk is much higher.
o If you had at least one very extreme case of sunburn in childhood the risk for developing this type of cancer is greater.
o Having a family history of the disease is also a well known risk factor.
o If you have several moles these can become cancerous growths on the skin's surface. Some individuals choose to have any moles removed to decrease the likelihood that they will develop into cancerous growths.

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